Teacher Credentialing
Updated April 6, 2017
There have been many questions and concerns expressed regarding teacher credentialing and authorizations for teachers who already hold a credential. CSTA has received the following documents and resources from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) which will answer many of the questions regarding credentialing:
- Chart of Science Credentials and Authorizations (all grades)
- NGSS Transition: Middle School Science Teachers (including information about authorization to each integrated middle school science)
- Chart of Authorizations to Teach Integrated Science in Grades 6-8
- Discontinuation of Specialized Science Content Area Authorizations for Initial Issuance on Single Subject Teaching Credentials
With the adoption and subsequent release of the new Science Curriculum Framework, the CTC released a science authorization chart aligned to the course model described in Chapter 7 of the Science Curriculum Framework, the Three-Course Model. This science authorization chart shows the following:
- Physics of the Universe (as presented in the Framework): Authorization = Physics (R1S:SP or R1S: SPX)
- Living Earth (as presented in the Framework): Authorization = Biological Sciences (R1S: SBS or R1S: SBSX)
- Chemistry in the Earth System (as presented in the Framework): Authorization = Chemistry (R1S: SC or R1S: SCX)
Science Content Area Authorizations for Middle School Integrated Science
Key Facts
Source: Commission on Teacher Credentialing
- Prior to 1997, only two science content area authorizations were issued (Life Science and Physical Science). Individuals holding one of these previous science content areas are authorized to teach integrated science through grade 8.
- Since 1997, teachers earning one of the four full science authorizations (referenced with an in Table 1) in a specific discipline also verified subject matter knowledge in integrated science content and earned an authorization to teach that content through grade 12.
- In 2003, teachers had the option of earning either a full science authorization in a specific science discipline or a Specialized science authorization in the same disciplines. Individuals electing to earn a Specialized science authorization did not verify subject matter knowledge in integrated science content and so are not authorized unless another appropriate authorization is also held. As noted in Table 1, the content area authorization will have the word (Specialized) noted on their credential.
- Specialized Science authorizations will be discontinued as an option for future science teachers. Transition dates and options for teachers to earn an additional authorization for integrated science are provided in the Commission's Coded Correspondence #14-09: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/notices/coded/2014/1409.pdf.
- An employer may assign the holder of a Specialized Science authorization to an integrated science class based on a General Education Limited Assignment Permit (GELAP) for up to three years while they complete any necessary requirements to earn an additional authorization as provided in the following Commission credential leaflet: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/cl828.pdf.
- Holders of Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials may serve in any subject area (including integrated science) in grades five through eight as long as they are serving in a core setting with two or more subjects being taught to the same group of students each day. To teach departmentalized science (integrated or discipline specific) outside of the core setting, a supplementary or subject matter authorization in (Introductory) Science or a Single Subject Teaching Credential with a Foundational-Level Science content area authorization must also be held.