Recent News

April 16, 2024
CASE is committed to recognizing and encouraging excellence in science teaching through the presentation of awards to science educators who have made outstanding contributions in science education. Announcement will be made in early summer.
March 15, 2024
Networking for Science or CASE Teacher Collab: Join us for Leadership Support or Teacher Support/Resources. Next Meeting: March 27, 2024
January 2, 2024
See What's Trending > Celebrating Achievements > Asset-Based Feedback > AR/VR Inspires Career Paths > Wildlife Conservation > and more
November 9, 2021
Special Edition on Climate Change: Observing the world around us, we are noticing changes that contrast with our memories of earlier days both of us experienced in California. Read more!

Membership Benefits

Join with other teachers who share your passion for science, want to inspire their students, and have realized the benefits of an association advocating their interests at the state level.

CASE Membership

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Communication Tools

In collaboration with the California Alliance for Next Generation Science Standards (CA4NGSS), CASE has developed a series of tools designed to help teachers communicate with parents about the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS).

Equitable Access to Science Education in California

CASE is proud to release the Equitable Access to Science Education of California. This publication details the challenges of bringing high quality science education to all classrooms across California and what we can do to help.

2024 California Science Education Conference
November 8-10
Sacramento, CA