CASE Committee Volunteer Sign Up
Now Recruiting for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
CASE Standing/Ad Hoc Committees
CASE's Board of Directors and the work of CASE are served by several standing and ad hoc committees. These committees act in an advisory capacity to the board and do a great deal of the work of the association. Committee service is a great way to get involved with CASE and develop your leadership skills.
Committee members serve a one year term at the beginning of the CASE fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), with the exception of the conference committee. The Conference committee, established by the current chair(s) serves a term beginning in the fall (October/November).
Committee members must have a current CASE membership to participate on a committee and must maintain that membership throughout your term. Update your membership today!
Below is a list of the CASE committees and their descriptions.
- Advocacy Committee (formerly Legislative Oversight Committee)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Environmental Literacy Committee
- Membership and Outreach Committee
- Mentoring and Leadership Committee
- NGSS Committee
- Integration of NGSS and Career Education Committee
- Policy Committee
- Publications Committee
- 2024 Conference Committee (established by current conference chairs)
Committees and Chairs
2023-2024 Fiscal Year
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee monitors State and Federal legislative and budget issues, develops potential responses to issues and assists Executive Director and President in composing letters and communications in response to proposed legislation and state budget. The Advocacy Committee informs members of pending legislation by writing articles for the association's newsletter, California Classroom Science, and other social media venues.
Committee Co-Chairs: Peter A'Hearn and Sara Dozier
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
The CASE Equity Committee focuses on equity in science education and in the work that CASE undertakes. This committee operates in response to growing awareness of inequities in science education, which in turn inadequately prepares some student groups for careers in the science fields. Work of this committee will seek to ensure representation of all those who need to be at the table.
Committee Co-Chair: Tara Sikorski and Nishat Alikhan
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Environmental Literacy Committee
Established in 2019, this active committee meets regularly to discuss ways to support both formal and informal educators throughout the state to help increase environmental literacy among students statewide. Their work includes professional learning, networking opportunities, and resource sharing. This committee also serves in an advisory capacity and as a resource for CASE, providing input to staff and other committees as their work relates to Environmental Literacy.
Committee Co-Chair: Tara Fuad and Tinuviel Carlson
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Membership and Outreach Committee
Develops strategies for increasing the visibility of the Association, exploring partnerships, and developing strategies to engage new and current educators. Reviews and provides feedback on new marketing materials to promote the Association and membership. Promotes increased membership in the Association by attracting new members, retaining existing members, and encouraging the return of past members. Monitors and proposes membership incentives designed to increase membership.. Working in collaboration with the Executive Director and office staff, maintains all electronic social media, facilitates communications with members, and enhances the digital image of the Association.
Committee Co-Chairs: Melissa Marcucci and Elisa Slee
Staff Liaison: Zi Stair and Michele Holcomb
Mentoring and Leadership Committee
Founded on the notion that everyone should have a mentor and be a mentor, this committee's purpose is to create a value-added experience for CASE members through a mentoring and leadership opportunity that would support teachers as they progress through their career. This committee welcomes pre-service teachers, early career teachers and seasoned teachers and teachers on special assignment (TOSA) to collaborate, teach, support, mentor and lead - providing additional voice to their Teacher Education Programs as well as navigate through NGSS implementation, building inclusive classrooms, speaking with families and working with administration.
Committee Co-Chairs: Megan Bettis and Amy Kraft
Staff Liaison Michele Holcomb
NGSS Committee
To monitor the progress of the implementation of NGSS and inform the board as necessary, develop strategies and proposals for the CASE board to consider as it relates to CASE's role in the implementation of the NGSS in California. The NGSS committee in will be active in participating in instructional materials adoption feedback among other activities.
Committee Co-Chairs: David Tupper and Arlene Laurison
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Integration of NGSS and Career Education Committee (new)
The Integration of NGSS and Career Education Committee is a new committee that was established March 2021. This committee will build a vision of the alignment between career education and NGSS and needed supports for educators and school systems TK-16.
Committee Co-Chairs: Heather Wygant and Anna Newman
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Policy Committee
The CASE Policy Committee works on both policy for CASE as an organization, in conjunction with CASE staff, and on position statements that are developed to articulate CASE's position and represent the membership's views on topical issues that will promote high-quality science education for all students. Membership on this committee by non-board members is vital to fully represent the diverse voices of California science teachers in this work.
2020/21 Committee Co-Chairs: Claudio Vargas and Tricia Dennis
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
Publications Committee
Oversees the publication of the California Classroom Science newsletter by soliciting, writing, and editing articles from members on a bi-monthly basis. Develops strategies for generating income for the Association through advertising in Association publications. Investigates possible strategies for providing members only content.
Committee Co-Chairs: Kelli Quan-Martin and Kristin Komatsubara
Staff Liaison: Michele Holcomb
2024 Conference Committee
The 2024 California Science Education Conference will be held in the fall of 2024 in Sacramento, CA November 8-10, 2024. This committee's work is from November 2023 - November 2024. Committee members will meet in person and over the phone to plan the content - both fun and educational - for the 2024 conference.
Committee Co-Chair: Kelli Quan and Amy Kraft
Staff Liaison: Beth Bettencourt