Resources - Region 2

Chapters - Region 2

Contra Costa County Assn. for Science & Math Educators - CCCASME
Melissa Strongman | mstrongman@wildlifemuseum.org
(925) 935-1978 x422

Council of Math/Science Educators of San Mateo County - CMSESMC
Brennan Brockbank, STEM Coordinator, Ravenswood City School District
P.O. Box 434
Milbrae, CA 94030-2906
(415) 497-0743

Resources - Region 2

Community Resources for Science
The mission of CRS is to connect and engage educators, students, and scientists in a vibrant and innovative network of science learning resources, transforming science education. Our vision is a community of educators and scientists working together to excite all children about learning through the scientific exploration of the world around them. Community Resources for Science contributes to this vision by weaving connections between the needs of individual teachers and educational resources, while acting as a catalyst to improve the available resources in our community. https://www.crscience.org/

California Science Projects
The California Science Project (CSP) is a university-based professional development network for pre-K-16 teachers of science that utilizes highly skilled teams of educators and scientists drawn from universities and school districts across the state. This statewide network works toward the common goal of improving science education for all California students. The CSP has convenient sites across the state at campuses of the University of California, California State University, and independent colleges/universities. There are four science projects in Region 2:
Bay Area Science Project — Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley
University of California San Francisco Science Project
East Bay Science Project — CSU East Bay
Monterey Bay Science Project — UC Santa Cruz

County Offices of Education
Alameda County Office of Education - Science


Contra Costa County Office of Education - STEAM Initiative
Contra Costa County Office of Education's (CCCOE) STEAM initiative embraces the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to engage all students in authentic learning experiences aligned with the California Standards. Our goal is to support districts with professional learning opportunities, instructional resources and regional collaboration as they develop STEAM programs that prepare all students for future careers. www.cccoe.k12.ca.us/edsvcs/stem.html

Monterey County Office of Education - Science for All Students
Reference site for science and STEM teachers. mcoescience.weebly.com/

San Mateo County Office of Education - STEM Center
The SMCOE STEM Center provides teachers and administrators research-based professional development in STEM content and pedagogy to engage, educate, and inspire our 21st century learners. www.smcoe.org/learning-and-leadership/stem-center/

Santa Clara County Office of Education - Science
Science explores and explains phenomena around us. It is a way of gaining, organizing, applying and conveying knowledge of that phenomena. Having science as one of the core contents in K-12 education is vital as it influences our culture and has allowed society to flourish. Providing service and support for all educational stakeholders is the SCCOE Science department's core mission. The Science department offers workshops, conferences, and student events that promote the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Seek questions, engage with ideas and discover what it means to be a true science explorer and 21st century learner. SCIENCE ROCKS! www.smcoe.org/learning-and-leadership/stem-center/

Solano County Office of Education - Professional Development

Free Units: A Child's Place in the Environment (ACPE)
Sonoma County Office of Education has obtained free ACPE units for Sonoma County teachers. The units (in binders) consist of 19-20 lessons and include student pages in Spanish. They are interdisciplinary and thematic environmental education curriculum guides that help elementary teachers encourage students to become environmentally literate and to participate in projects that enhance their environment. Units will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Mike Roa at mroa@scoe.org.

Donors Choose Grants for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
Chevron has given us a grant to match funding to your next classroom project request(s) for math and/or science materials. This match donation to your project will encourage citizens to fund the rest. Teachers at high-need public schools anywhere in Alameda or Contra Costa county, where 40% or more of the student population is eligible for free or reduced price lunches. Special consideration is given to teachers in Walnut Creek, San Ramon, West Contra Costa, or Mount Diablo, regardless of the school’s level of need. Log in to your teacher account on DonorsChoose.org (if you don't have one, any public school teacher can sign up at www.donorschoose.org/teacher), then submit a project requesting $800 or less in materials to teach math or science. A few hours after your project is approved, you should see a Chevron logo on your project page. This means it has qualified for this match offer and now has an even greater chance of full funding by the other donors that visit the site.

Ocean Currents Radio Program
The Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary radio program, Ocean Currents, has moved to a new day and time. Ocean Currents is produced on KWMR 90.5 FM in Point Reyes, 89.7 FM in Bolinas, and live on the web at www.kwmr.org. For information on upcoming programs visit the Ocean Currents web site .

Point Reyes Bird Observatory (PRBO) Conservation Science: SEA Alcatraz
PRBO Conservation Science offers SEA Alcatraz, a multi-visit classroom and field trip seabird education program focusing on the seabirds of Alcatraz Island for 4th and 5th grade San Francisco classes. The program addresses several Science Content Standards for California Public Schools. For more information visit: www.prbo.org/cms/531.

California Coastal Commission
Prompted by the San Francisco Bay oil spill in November 2007, the California Coastal Commission created a web page about oil spills for teachers and students. On this web site you will find information about the Bay spill and oil spills in general, including environmental impacts, laws and regulations, glossary of terms, and links to classroom activities. www.coastforyou.org.

San Francisco Chronicle in Education
The San Francisco Chronicle in Education (CIE) encourages students to value newspapers as a trusted source for news and information, including the most up-to-date science and technology news. The new e–Edition combines the power of the press and the Internet. It’s an electronic replica version of the newspaper that is searchable, has a “watchlist” function, as well as a 30-day archive. It can be viewed on any computer with Internet access. And best of all, it’s available to teachers, librarians, and students at no cost, due to the generous sponsorship of our subscribers and Corporate Partners in Education. Learn how you can engage your students like never before. Check it out at cie.sfchron.com/sfc_nes_portal.

Bay Area Earth Science Institute (BAESI)
Based out of San Jose State University Geology Department, BAESI offers multiple weekend hands-on workshops focused on geoscience education for teachers. Upcoming workshops for this fall include a coastal geology field trip from Half Moon Bay to Pacifica, a global climate change workshop, plate tectonics, and integrated ocean drilling project. For more information and to register for their workshops, visit www.baesi.org.

RAFT (Resource Area for Teaching)
RAFT is a non-profit organization that believes hands-on teaching is the best way for teachers to teach and students to learn. They provide creative hands-on activities, educational resources, workshops, and inexpensive materials (many donated by local businesses) to enrich pre K-12 education. The goal is to assist teachers, non-profits, and community groups by providing materials and ideas for day-to-day teaching and for supporting professional growth. www.raftsac.org.

The Tech Museum of Innovation
A hands-on technology and science museum In San Jose for people of all ages and backgrounds. The Museum offers a range of activities for K-12 school groups, including View From Space, a global weather exhibit where visitors can watch hurricane patterns and other meteorological events develop on a 6-foot globe; and Green by Design, an exhibit in the new Energy Gallery, where visitors design and race hybrid cars, play with solar power and experiment with renewable energy. IMAX films and Labs are also available at special group rates. Teacher memberships are available to all K-12 teachers and other district and county office employees. Receive free year-round admission, $2 IMAX tickets, members-only events and discounts, and more. Go to the membership desk at the Tech to take advantage of membership. For more information about The Tech Museum of Innovation, visit www.thetech.org.

Chabot Space and Science Center
The Chabot Space and Science Center offers teachers the opportunity to network with other Bay area teachers through their FEAST (Fun Exchanges and Activities for Science Teachers) and NEST (Network of Elementary Science Teachers) networks. You are always welcome to join to find out about this growing group of supportive teachers. There is usually no charge for FEAST and NEST sessions unless otherwise states. Visit Chabot's Teacher programs page at www.chabotspace.org/visit/programs/teacher.asp to find the links to FEAST and NEST.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve
Located in Moss Beach, San Mateo County (about one hour south of San Francisco), this spectacular stretch of coastline includes a shallow marine shelf that is exposed during low tides. Many interesting marine animals and plants are visible in the pools for watching, photographing, and drawing. Come study and enjoy this rich and complex habitat.
For more information, call 415-363-4020 or visit www.sfgate.com/getoutside/1996/jun/fitz.html.

Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley
at UC Berkeley offers a wide range of homeschool and afterschool programs for individuals in astronomy, biology, physics, math, and chemistry. Also available are weekend workshops and family workshops. www.lawrencehallofscience.org.

Exploratorium, San Francisco
For more information go to www.exploratorium.edu.

Aquatic Outreach Institute, Richmond
To register or for more information, call 510-231-5778.

CuriOdyssey, San Mateo
A science and wildlife center for young people, CuriOdyssey offers interactive experiments with natural phenomena, an up-close, native wildlife zoo and animal encounters, and engaging science education programs. Everything is designed to reinforce in children their own, natural inquisitiveness and build their powers of investigation and understanding.
For more information, visit www.CuriOdyssey.org or call 650-342-7755.

Oakland Museum of California
Walk Across California. Take a simulated journey through California's diverse ecosystems, observing plants and animals found from the Pacific coastline to the High Sierra and the inland desert. Exhibits contain approximately 2,500 natural specimens organized around the basic ecological principles highlighting relationships among plants, animals, geology and climate. The Aquatic California Gallery presents an overview of our aquatic environments, including the oceans, rivers, streams and estuaries. Permanent exhibition. For more information, call 888-OAKMUSE or visit www.museumca.org.

California Academy of Sciences
The California Academy of Sciences offers exciting and new professional development opportunities for teachers during the school year. For the 2011-2012 school year, a brand-new, three-part workshop series will deeply explore science topics, providing teachers with content knowledge, hands-on activities, and opportunities to collaborate with peers. In addition, citizen science workshops give you tools to involve your students in real-world data collection. Classroom Kit trainings are also available. A complete calendar is available at www.calacademy.org/teachers/workshops, and free lessons are available at www.calacademy.org/teachers/resources. Teachers can also apply for field trips at www.calacademy.org/teachers/fieldtrips.

Clem Miller Environmental Education Center
The Clem Miller Environmental Education Center School Program at Point Reyes National Seashore is a nine-building green facility that provides a low-cost opportunity for you and your students to step outside the traditional classroom and have fun exploring nature's classroom. The center provides teachers with the training, support, and teaching resources needed to create their own environmental education program. For general information about the program, visit the website at www.ptreyes.org.

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center
The Sanctuary Visitor Center provides unique and engaging programs that allow students to see their connection to ocean habitats and wildlife. A visit to the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary Visitor Center at the Presidio will open up an exciting learning opportunity for your students. Programs are two hours long, interactive, grade specific and correlate to state standards.

Students use hands-on exhibits inside the visitor center to discover how senses, life cycles, adaptations, and food webs function in the marine environment. Outside on the beach, students use observational skills to discover what makes this such a fragile world and actions they can take to help protect the ocean. farallones.noaa.gov/education/visitorcenter.html.

Project Astro
Project Astro is recruiting teachers in grades 3-9, particularly those in the benchmark years for astronomy science content standards in grades 3,5, and 8, for the 2010-11 cohort of partners. Public elementary, middle, and high school teachers, charter school teachers, and after-school programs associated with either are invited to apply. Contact Brian Kruse, lead formal educator, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, at 415-337-1100 ext 126, or bayareaastro@astrosociety.org